TLZ Weiss No. 8 NV
An absolutely etherial wine – a touch of skin-contact and some time spent in old oak barrels gives this wine a little weightiness on the palate, without sacrificing any of its freshness. 'Trauben, Leibe und Zeit' (or 'Grapes, Love and Time') are all Franz Strohmeier believes are needed for a beautiful wine, and we couldn't agree more. Franz's winemaking philosophy is grounded in an utmost respect for nature, taking the thriving biodiversity in his vineyards as a thumbs up from Mother Nature that he's making the right decisions – and after one taste of this wine, we think you'll agree too!
The Facts:
Farming: Biodynamic
Region: Styria, Austria
Vintage: NV
Grapes: Weissburgunder, Chardonnay
Colour: White
ABV: 11.5%
Size: 75 cL

It was 35°C and about 120% humidity on the day we visited Christine and Franz Strohmeier last year in August. Walking in the lush vineyards on steep hills felt like hiking a subtropical rainforest in Thailand, but it was actually just another summer day in this part of West Styria. They say it takes a special place to make a special wine – for Strohmeier's ethereal wines, the secret ingredients must include an abundance of sun and about 1,000mm of annual rainfall ...